Monday, April 23, 2007

Biodiesel No Fooling

I think America should really take a closer look at biodiesel as an alternative fuel. Biodiesel is easily made from WVO (waste vegetable oil) at a fraction of what you’ll pay for petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel fuel can be made for less than 70¢ per gallon from WVO. When the Dr. Rudolph Diesel developed the diesel engine, it was his intention for the engine to run off a variety of fuels, including vegetable oil. Algae are the most efficient biological producer of oil on the planet. Algae may soon be one of Earth’s most important renewable fuel crops. According to research funded by the DOE, algae produce more than enough oil to fulfill U.S. diesel fuel needs. Biofuels are carbon neutral. When we use biofuels, plants naturally balance the carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore biodiesel fuel is better for the environment than petroleum fuels.

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